Watch out if you are driving on the M50. New gatso static speed cameras have been
installed between the toll bridge and the Tallaght exit where the road works are.
According to the media these cameras are catching a lot of people out. The speed
limit at the road works is 60kmh but, as anyone driving this stretch of the M50
will know, the majority of motorists drive at 80 - 100kmh. The NRA say the speed
cameras have been installed to ensure the safety of those involved in construction
of the new lane on this section of the M50.
For locations of the new M50 cameras have a look here.
Some media coverage links below:
Gardaí to
enforce M50 speed limit - RTE News (2/April/2007)
Speeding threat to road workers - Irish Independent (3/April/2007
- site registration required)